Worlingworth Cricket Club - 100 Club

Worlingworth CC 100 Club            

                                  Worlingworth Cricket Club

    100 Club

                                                   Would you like to win £50-£100 with better odds than the lottery!! 

       And help raise funds to maintain and continue to improve

      your local Cricket Club? 

As part of our fundraising for the future of Worlingworth Cricket Club we now run a 100 Club.


In very simple terms, this is a club of up to 100 members who have the opportunity of winning cash prizes each month in return for a membership fee.   

What can I win? 

An initial prize of £50 will be awarded monthly. The prize will be a £75 monthly once we have reached 60 members. Once 80 members have been reached the monthly prize will be £100, additional prizes including for instance a Christmas bonus or a prize for a special occasion, will be considered. 

How much will it cost and how do I pay? 

The cost is £5 per month per draw number, and you can pay by Standing Order by completing the mandate on the back of the leaflet and sending it to your bank and by sending the application form to

 Fiona Bensly 

When will the draw be made?

During the first week of the month by  Fiona Bensly (the 100 club administrator) and at least one other club member. 

Will I need to claim my prize? 

All prize winners are notified immediately by post and receive their prize as a cheque.  

How can I join? 

If you are over 18 years, then just complete the membership form on the back of this leaflet and return it to Fiona Bensly. When paying your membership by standing order, please also complete the mandate form on the back of this leaflet and return it to your bank. We will then notify you of your draw number and the date of the first draw you will be eligible to be entered in. 

Rules for the Worlingworth Cricket Club

100 Club

1. Name: The name of the club shall be the “Worlingworth Cricket Club 100 Club” (“the club”).

2.   Object: The object of the club - to raise funds for the development of the clubhouse, ground and  future of the facilities

3.  Membership: Membership of the club shall be limited to 100 persons over 18 years old for a minimum of one year. Members may leave the scheme after the first year by giving one months notice. Cancellation of payment shall be deemed to be cancellation of membership.

4. Trustees: The club shall be administered by the Club Captain and one other appointed member of the Cricket Club who will not be members themselves. An appointed treasurer will be responsible for the keeping of accounts, arranging payment of prizes and transfer of surplus income to the Club accounts. The decision of the organisers in any matter relating to the operation of the club shall be final.

5. Membership Fees: Membership to the club entitling one draw number from 1 to 100 per draw, costs £60 per year payable by monthly standing order for £5 per month. Members may hold more than one membership to the club ie. more than one draw number. Membership shall be deemed to have started at the first draw after receipt of first payment.

6. Prizes: A draw shall take place on the first working day of each month. The prizes will be:

                0   - 60 members - £50 prize

                61 - 80 members - £75 prize

                81 - 100 members- £100 prize

Each draw shall be made by or under the direction of the organisers with an independent witness. The results of the draw shall be announced on the Cricket Club notice board accessible at games, or on the Club’s website. Prizewinners will be notified in writing of their win and payment will be made by cheque posted to the address shown on the application form. Should for any reason membership levels fall below 25 members, the organisers shall be entitled to reconsider the terms and viability of the scheme, giving members one months notice to terminate the scheme.


Worlingworth Cricket Club, Earl Soham Road,  Bedfield Little Green, Bedfield,   Suffolk IP13 7EF


100 Club Winners  

Membership Application Form



I wish to become a member of the Worlingworth Cricket Club 100 Club


Name (or names if applying for more than one number under different names):  ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Address (for membership and prize payment):  ..........................................................................................................................................................................

......................................................................................Phone Number:.........................................................


How many numbers would you like to enter in the monthly draw at £60 per year? ..................


I agree to be bound by the rules of the club, and confirm that I am over 18 years of age

Signed ....................................................................................  Date .........................................................................


?             I wish to pay by monthly standing order and have forwarded the completed mandate form to my bank  for processing

             for Worlingworth Cricket 100 Club                  

Please return this part of the form in an envelope marked WCC 100 Club, to:


Fiona Bensly

Honeysuckle Cottage

Pages Green, Wetheringsett,

Stowmarket  IP14 5QA


Standing Order Mandate



To: The Manager   (Name and Address of your bank) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Please pay to HSBC Bank, Worlingworth Cricket Club  (Account Name)

Sort Code 402130             

Account Number 31012371

The sum of £ .................. (£5 per month per draw number)

Starting on the 15th day of ..................... 20-- and monthly on the 15th day thereafter until further notice.


Account Name/s: .....................................................................................


Sort Code: ................................................................

Account Number: .....................................................................................


Signed: .....................................................................................


Date: .....................................................................................

Address: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Please return this part of the form to your own bank for processing



